mar. Oct 22nd, 2024

VivaTech a toujours soutenu l’open innovation, fort de la conviction que les grands leaders de demain seront aussi bien des grands groupes ayant su se transformer et des startups ayant pu grandir avec succès.

 21 Labs thématiques présentés par de grands groupes au Vivatechnology 2019


BNP Paribas

Sur le Lab BNP Paribas ‘Positive Banking’ découvrez le future de la Tech mis au service des clients de façon responsable, l’expérience client de demain, les nouvelles solutions à impact positif ou encore, l’entreprenariat féminin et le startups partner !
Ils viennent avec : Cashforce, PayLead et Lactips



Google France est l’un des principaux partenaires de VivaTech. Une formidable opportunité de démontrer son engagement et de célébrer ses partenariats en faveur d’une innovation responsable qui profite à tous.


La Poste

VivaTech est, pour La Poste, une opportunité majeure de s’affirmer comme la première entreprise de services de proximité humaine, ayant choisi de démocratiser les innovations pour la société tout entière.
Ils viennent avec : Tangram, Cocolis et YesWeHack



Les visiteurs du Pavillon LVMH pourront découvrir une grande diversité d’innovations des Maisons du Groupe et de startups tout au long d’un parcours client, d’outils révolutionnaires de storytelling à des solutions innovantes de paiement.
Ils viennent avec : Timekettle Technologies, Lululab et Euveka


Orange à VivaTech, c’est plus de 120 startups venant de partout en France et de l’international, de nombreuses conférences et animations qui s’articuleront autour de 4 thématiques : l’IoT simplifiée, l’IA utile, la vie digitale sécurisée et les réseaux performants.

Ils viennent avec : Xaalys, Vendredi et SoundHound



Animé par l’ambition de créer le futur de l’hospitalité, le Lab Accor vous inspirera de nouvelles manières de vivre, travailler et vous divertir avec notre sélection de 36 startups et des conférences et activités variées autour de l’innovation et de l’hospitalité augmentée.

Ils viennent avec : OnePark, Chance et Gymlib


VivaTech sera l’occasion pour Atos de montrer sa politique d’Open Innovation avancée. Son écosystème réunit des acteurs académiques des géants américains du web, des intrapreneurs et des startups engagées sur des projets-clients.
Ils viennent avec : Greenspector, Picomto et Rcup
GOLD_AWSAmazon Web Services
Découvrez comment les entreprises et startups françaises et internationales relèvent leurs plus grands défis technologiques, conçoivent des solutions innovantes, deviennent plus agiles et améliorent leurs résultats avec les technologies d’AWS.
Ils viennent avec : Adikteev, Aircall et Dataiku


Les nouvelles technologies permettent désormais de résoudre parmi les problèmes les plus importants au monde. Rien ne serait possible sans le réseau dont le rôle est fondamental pour encourager l’émergence de nouveaux services et de nouvelles applications.

Pour la quatrième édition, EDF est partenaire de l’espace Discovery. Venez découvrir une sélection de 40 startups qui se mobilisent, créent et inventent aujourd’hui le monde de demain, dans le domaine des énergies intelligentes, de la robotique, des objets et de la santé connectés, et bien d’autres.



EY s’associe à la 4e édition de VivaTechnology et renforce sa présence avec le sponsoring du Viva Lounge, la promotion de ses dernières innovations sur son espace au cœur du Hall of Tech et la conférence d’Andy Baldwin, EY EMEIA Managing Partner au sein du CEO Forum.



Venez découvrir la F1 championne du monde et comment les technologies HPE rendent les entreprises plus rapides, plus agiles et plus performantes.



Nous vous invitons à visiter le Huawei Innovation Lab pour rencontrer nos 32 startups, dont les startups françaises du programme Digital InPulse. En tant que leader de l’innovation dans les TIC, nous partagerons aussi nos insights et cas d’usage dans la 5G, le Cloud, l’IA, les mobiles, etc.

Ils viennent avec : Histovery, Partnering Roboics et Citymagine



L’Oréal présentera à Viva Technology Paris ses toutes dernières innovations technologiques autour de « Limitless Beauty », sa vision du futur de la beauté et de l’expérience client, alimentée par la voix, l’intelligence artificielle et la réalité augmentée.Ils viennent avec : Modiface, Kadalys et Sillages Paris


Nous accompagnons la transformation RH des entreprises à leur marché en mutation et développons l’employabilité des individus. VivaTech est le lieu pour favoriser interactions et projets entre grands groupes, startups et candidats et nous voulons être acteur à part entière de cette évolution.

Ils viennent avec : BEEDEEZ, Thrive et Pitchy


RATP Group

VivaTech, c’est l’occasion de partager nos dernières innovations et notre savoir-faire, faire émerger de nouveaux services et aller à la rencontre de nos clients.

Ils viennent avec : Bioxegy, EuroPass et K-Ryole


Région Centre Val de Loire

Pour la troisième année consécutive, la région Centre-Val de Loire sera présente à VivaTech autour de 2 thématiques Santé/Beauté/Bien être et services aux citoyens. Célébration des 500 ans de la Renaissance : innovation, création entre hier aujourd’hui et demain

Ils viennent avec : Janasense, Transition One et Nimest Tech


Région Sud (Provence Alpes Cote d’azur)

La Tech en Région Sud, c’est 14 milliards d’euros de chiffre d’affaires, 22 000 entreprises, 7 technologies en pointe au niveau mondial ! En 2019, Blue Tech, des Green Tech et de l’IA seront au coeur de la présence régionale à VivaTech.

Ils viennent avec : Avenir Développement Durable, Egerie Software et Bioceanor



Partenaire de VivaTech, Sanofi proposera sur son stand « Tech4Health », un parcours expérientiel pour permettre à chacun de comprendre comment les technologies digitales interviennent dans toutes les étapes de la vie du médicament.Ils viennent avec : Sky Labs, Medicus AI et Withings


SAP proposera des thématiques autour de l’impact technologique sur le monde du travail, les évolutions de l’expérience clients et de l’économie circulaire.

Ils viennent avec : Energency, Brennus Analytics et Qopius



2019 sera Tech for Good pour l’industrie, les collaborateurs et bien sûr les clients. L’innovation responsable, pour une entreprise dédiée aux mobilités collectives et durables, est tout simplement sa raison d’être.

Ils viennent avec : Huclink, Dotaki et Adok



Pour la troisième année consécutive, Sodexo, est fier d’être un grand partenaire de VivaTech : Le thème de notre Lab sera ” La data en tant qu’ingrédient essentiel pour révolutionner nos services de qualité de vie”.Ils viennent avec : Rydoo, Foodchéri et Aeye-go

TF1 Groupe

Pour la 4e année consécutive, le Media Lab TF1 sera présent pour représenter la verticale média. Les visiteurs pourront découvrir, sur près de 400 m2, le futur des médias à travers des start-up innovantes, des expériences immersives et des prises de paroles inspirantes.

Ils viennent avec : Faciliti, Mirriad et Newsbridge


L’innovation est à l’origine de l’histoire de Thales et demeure aujourd’hui au cœur de son développement. A VivaTech, Thales présentera les dernières innovations issues de ses laboratoires mais aussi de la collaboration avec des nombreuses startups.Ils viennent avec : InBolt, Amiral Technologies et S2P – Smart Plastic Products


Entreprise technologique, Valeo propose des systèmes et équipements innovants au cœur des 3 révolutions de la mobilité: électrification des véhicules, véhicule autonome et mobilité digitale.

Ils viennent avec : Mov’In Blue, Neteera et Codesna


Vinci Energies

VINCI Energies met l’accent sur la connectivité, la performance, l’efficacité énergétique et la data afin d’accélérer le déploiement de nouvelles technologies et encourager la transformation digitale et la transition énergétique.


Les start ups accompagnées


Les autres Start ups présentes au Vivatechnology 2019


1km à Pied
Smart City/Building

After 10yrs at BlaBlaCar (1st employee) I want to make sure all companies and cities have a roadmap to reduce their commuting footprint. From HR data, get your diagnostic, quantified recommendations and job exchange plans for multi-site organisations.




Agency specializing in digital commerce and precision marketing. We are expert marketing strategies designers, using specific audiencies and big data. We design friendly sites and B2B/B2C e-commerces, using Liferay 7.1 and Solidus 2.8 software.


3 Du


Utilizing modern tech in developing & implementing age-group tailored customized educational services, models & curricula, Focusing on developing 21st Century Skills & preparing individuals to take an effective role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution



Smart City/Building

360SmartConnect : Construction industry’ smart Full Track&Trace for a higher efficiency. Giving acces to the right information to every stackholder. #Constructech #FullTrackAndTrace Also available for consumers




3D-Reverse is specialized in 3D digitization and 3D reverse engineering. We deliver precise and workable 3D-CAD models of your structures, fluid networks and complete factories.Our Business secures and accelerates your industrial engineering projects.



Information technologies

3DLOOK is a computer vision, deep learning, and 3D focused technology company, focused on personalization in retail. Our mission is to make data exchange between brands, retailers and customers simple and apply this intelligence to the product life cycle.



Software Development/Cloud services

We make computers & mobile devices see real-life images and analyze the retrieved data to create solutions for the needs of enterprises. Our solution is powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence and computer vision technology.




3D PHARM développe, produit et commercialise des accesoirs de santé imprimés en 3D. Son premier produit : un applicateur de collyre issu d’un PLA biocompatible afin d’aider les utilisateurs de collyre à s’instiller leurs gouttes de manière autonome.




We provide a vehicle intelligence platform for mobile companies, such as logistics, vehicle rental companies, etc. to help them manage assets and optimize operations.



Information technologies

Increasing the efficiency and ergonomics at digital workplaces via eye tracking and A.I.



Software Development/Cloud services

5Discovery is the leader in softskills training in Virtual Reality offering immersions to practice Pitching, Leadership, Conflict management, Well Being at work and many more! Our solutions are based on efficient méthodologies . Learning becomes pleasure!


5th Dimension


We develop Smart Glasses for better hearing. Thanks to bone conduction, our product allows you to hear without clogging your ears. The fruit of our research gives you the power to erase the noise to make words emerge. It’s the freedom to hear à la carte.




62 RUBY STREET IS A UNIQUE MOBILE APP. Create a fun animation to boost your events. Offer a unique display in augmented reality. Give purchasing power to users, increase your traffic and capitalize the data.


8sense GmbH


8sense is a platform of virtual coaching systems consisting out of sensor technology and mobile app within the area of healthcare. 8sense helps companies to reduce sick leaves and users to understand their own movement behavior and to become more active.



A ——————————————-


A.I. Tech

Smart City/Building

A.I.Tech designs and develop cutting edge video analytics solutions based on the best-of-breed AI, computer vision and deep learning algorithms that can be used in vertical markets such as retail, smart cities, smart roads and security.


AB Tasty

Software Development/Cloud services

AB Tasty is an all-in-one CRO platform for insights, testing, personalization, and customer activation. We help brands improve UX, customer satisfaction and increase ROI.


ABB France


With a history of innovation spanning more than 130 years, ABB is a pioneering technology leader with a comprehensive offering for digital industries supported by a common ABB AbilityTM digital platform. ABB operates in 100 countries with 147,000 people.


AC Biode


Anode, Cathode and “Biode” AC (Alternating Current) Lithium-ion Battery – We will develop the world’s first-ever AC batteries which are safer, up to 30% more compact, have longer life than the current LIB.




Adikteev is the leading app retargeting solution that helps performance-driven marketers target and engage their app audiences. Combining science and creativity, Adikteev delivers measurable results that increase user LTV and fuel business growth.



Information technologies

Enter the Smart Office & save time, everyday ! Adok has created Aura, the perfect combination of Hardware & Software : smart tactile projector and assistant to optimize your meetings.



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

AdVitam simplifie la vie des familles en deuil.



Smart City/Building

Founded in 2012, Aeromapper designs and and operates drones that helps industries and institutions across the globe. The AVEM, its long range UAS provides the best performances on the market in its category for mapping and surveillance applications.




Satellite, AI & Machine Learning – Seeing the future, where it matters!



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

Aeye-Go provides smart restaurant solutions based on the most advanced AI technology for image recognition. The Aeye-Go intelligent checkout system can automatically tell the price of each food with only one glance at it.




Mission: we provide digitized Emotional Intelligence to businesses and consumers. Technology: we calculate Real-Time Emotional indicators from connected Smartwatches. Services: we deliver emotional data integration.



Smart City/Building

With Affluences, predicting crowds has never been easier ! We specialize in measuring, forecasting and sharing real-time data, including peak and off-peak hours, occupancy rate and waiting time, in any public place. Check out our mobile app “Affluences” !



Software Development/Cloud services

AfterData offers a proprietary, turnkey machine learning solution specifically designed for department managers: customer behaviour: churn, upselling, scoring; failure prevention ; fraud detection and sales forecasting: business volume optimisation…




The AFULudine start-up was born from a collaboration between French UBFC University and APERAM society. It provides an original eco-friendly non-oily lubricant that perfectly meets the needs of professionals (industrials or craftsmen) and global users.




Agricommunity allows farmers to spend less money on procuring their crops. Using their smartphone, farmers are automatically informed of the health status of plots near their farm. Community application




In Africa, sometimes up to 65% of agricultural production is lost to pests and diseases. At Agrix, we’ve developed an App that leverages on Artificial Intelligence to helps small farmers detect and treat crop diseases they find in their farms.




Agropad is a technological equipment, autonomous, automatic, allowing farmers to control the irrigation system remotly through their mobile phone thanks to a premium app and SMS, it allows sustainable and connected agriculture and include solar energy.




AHIO is a personnal assistant for people with autistics disorders. Its purpose is to help them at work by sequencing tasks, providing spatial landmarks, stress management, and by helping them with communication.


AI Marketplace

Software Development/Cloud services

Thru an innovative framework, we make Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions Accessible and Ready-to-use. The AI Marketplace inspires and supports Companies in developing their usage of AI, testing, deploying new AI solutions to grow their Business.




Autonomous Space Missions. AIKO develops state of the art Artificial Intelligence to enable fully autonomous operations. Tech: Deep Learning, Knowledge Based Systems, Automation, Embedded




Akigora is the first platform designed to connect companies with Experts over 30 years of experience. Akigora simplifies the search for competencies and expertise. It’s a simple, free and instantaneous tool to help teams to find an expert in their field.




aleph-networks have developed a specialised search engine for conducting analyses on the deep and dark webs. GM Search Dark pulls out strategic information, displays the search results in graphic form, offers multi-source analysis, and sourcing.



Software Development/Cloud services

ALERION is specialized in smart and advanced solutions for and by drones. It develops its own Cyber-Physical components and can also integrate entire systems from mission specific components up to the SIG or even design completely specific solutions.



Information technologies

Real-time call transcription platform for data activation, providing brands a unique decisional tool for marketing, trades and client relationship.





ALTIUSMENA is an IT services company specialized in consulting and integrating CRM solutions. Altius Mena supports companies in setting up a customer relationship management strategy and in the success of their digital transformation


ALVEOLE: New French Deep Tech


Alvéole ambition is to accelerate cell biology research by providing researchers with tools to create closer to real-life cellular tests and reduce animal testing. Its solution: a bioengineering platform to create biomimetic cell environments in labs.


AML Factory


A global team of AML experts to ensure you are permanently compliant with the entire Anti-Money Laundering & Counter the Financing of Terrorism regulation. We’ll make it a no-brainer !




Andjaro is a real-time workforce optimization platform for large organizations (hospitality, institutional catering, construction, energy, retail, logistics etc). Manage the reallocation of your available internal staff instead of hiring externally!




Andyamo helps cities become smart & inclusive destinations with travel itineraries designed for people with reduced mobility (disabled people, parents with children in strollers, elderly people).




Manage your risks linked to your digital footprint. By piecing open web data together, our solution monitors your digital print, predicts its vulnerabilities against your company and people, and assess the risks. Let our AI manage your digital footprint !




Manage your risks linked to your digital footprint. By piecing open web data together, our solution monitors your digital print, predicts its vulnerabilities against your company and people, and assesses the risks. Let our AI manage your digital footprint




Mobility as experience – eBike-sharing solution for hotels



Information technologies

AQUILAE is a video analytics solution based on AI detecting in real-time complex visual anomalies and tracking its sources with high reliability. In security context, AQUILAE detects any abandonned luggage and retrieves its owner over the camera network.




AR24 replaces paper-based legal communications and adds legal value to online KYC. It’s the #1 eIDAS Qualified KYC and electronic Registered Mail service in Europe which webcam or smartphone based ID verification can be used as legal proof.




Augmented Reality Technologies and Factories to build new business models & experiences for the print industry. We reach both physical and digital worlds !




ARTIFY Digital Frame is the first IoT device dedicated to Art Discover 2D & 3D artworks thanks to our glasses-free innovation Interact with art through Alexa Our BtoB clients welcome their visitors with emotion & develop their employees’ softskills



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

Asamgo develops a smart and luminous swimming pool analyzer. The information about the quality of the water is given by the color of the light and more precisely through an app on your Smartphone.



Software Development/Cloud services

Aquiweb is a simple and intuitive MES software developped by Astrée Software. Aquiweb helps industrials to improve performance : production monitoring, operation digitalization, self-testing, automaintenance, visual management, equipments data collect…




AWADAC “ORDR” is an omnicanal self-ordering solution connected to major POS Systems. Thanks to an user-friendly editor, restaurant staff will be able to display their value proposition through every digital canal (web, mobile, kiosk, social network, etc).




AWAKEN designs Connected Objects & AI to secure drivers while on the go, optimize Fleet Management for companies and increase Customer Loyalty for Car Dealers & Garages.



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

AWALEBIZ is a Multi-Vendor E-Commerce Platform that connects African entrepreneurs to local, regional and international buyers. We engage with our Partners to participate in the development of online African trade for both B2B and B2C segments.


AWALEBIZ E-Commerce PanAfrica

Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

AWALEBIZ PanAfrica E-Commerce Marketplace AWALEBIZ Platform connects entrepreneurs in Africa to local, regional and international buyers. We engage with our partners to participate in the development of the continent online African Trade B2C & B2B.



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

Counting and tracking people



Software Development/Cloud services

AYNO is a digital platform dedicated to the management of collective innovation and ideas. Our tool allows firms to gather collaborators around desired themes and operations (Internal Innovation Awards, Hackathon, QWL axes, Design Thinking …)



Software Development/Cloud services

AYRADE is an IT services company specialized in web hosting, systems integration , ERP / CRM management and digitalization .



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

AywaJieune is an online platform for fish products. It allows fishermen to sell their products easily to consumers, restaurants and hotels which benefit from an easier access to the market and competitive prices.




Azur Drones is the European leader in drone-in-a-box systems. The company has developed a fully autonomous drone solution for security applications. Skeyetech is the 1rst drone system approved for autonomous flights, i.e. without remote pilot, in Europe.




AZmed automatically detects fractures on X-rays and generates the associated report, to help doctors deliver the best diagnostic in a reduced time.


Acapela Group

Information technologies

We create digital voices based on artificial intelligence. Acapela’s recent innovations based on Deep Neural Networks -Acapela DNN- is opening up new opportunities: audio branding, custom or personalized voices, voice banking. Because you voice matters.


Accurate Meditech Inc


Accurate Meditech Inc measuring physiological signals, to obtain the Pulse Wave Velocity data via pressure bio sensor, developed using our unique algorithm calculates the physiological signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and artery age.




Act ChatBot will offer you to finance a charitable action corresponding to your criteria by donations from 50 cents and to download a tax receipt if the amount of your donation exceeds 10 euros.



Software Development/Cloud services

ActiveViam offers a Business Intelligence library to data scientists that need to visualise and test scenarios inside their Python notebook. Unlike traditional dataviz those analytics can be delivered seamlessly to the business using AWS Cloud.




Activitour is developing a tourism sales ecosystem. Our solution allows tourist offices to connect with leisure professionals in order to create an online platform for selling tourist activities.




platform powered by AI to leverage brand’s communities content automatically and at every touchpoint, in order to increase engagement and conversion




AdvoCor’s Augmented Intelligence (AI) toolset takes all available data to predict patient needs, identify patients most likely to report a negative experience, and prescribe solutions to drive operational success in real-time.



AeonX AI

Smart City/Building

AeonX provides AI-powered smart meeting/room scheduling, facility management and customer care service through AeonX web, mobile and IoT platforms.




Information technologies

Aerobotics is an Ag-tech startup focused on providing tree crop protection to farmers through early problem detection and alerts.


Africa’s Talking


Africa’s Talking is a Pan African company providing software developers a way to bring their ideas to life and build sustainable businesses with ease. We partner with MNOs in Africa and expose their infrastructure to developers through easy-to-use APIs.


Agora Opinion

Smart City/Building

At Agora Opinion, we manufacture simple and pragmatic IoT solutions dedicated to optimizing Facility Management interventions within your buildings, while improving your customers’ well-being and your employees’ productivity.



Information technologies

AHMINI is a platform that facilitates the integration process of the rural women in the social security and health care systems, using the new technologies. Through: – the Remotely affiliation proccess. –the fragmentation of the proposed fees.




AiiNTENSE is developing a cognitive assistance solution, integrating an AI and tele-expertise platform, for intensive care units in hospitals and clinics in order to improve the medical, ethical and economic care of patients


Air Serenity


Breathe better! Air Serenity purifies air thanks to a breakthrough technology which captures VOCs 50 times more efficiently thant others. We also capture PM and kill viruses. Our unit is connected : it measures and reduces pollution autonomously.




Aircall is an agile, fully cloud based phone system for modern business that integrates with your team’s favorite business tools (Salesforce, Zendesk, HubSpot, Zoho, Intercom, Slack, Freshdesk…)



Smart City/Building

Alacaza is the ultimate communication tool connecting all a building’s stakeholders to their neighborhood’s life





The first global self-financing O2O strategy, dedicated to Retail & Foodhall ! and for your clients ? A new food experience !



Software Development/Cloud services

Algolia enables businesses across industries to create fast, relevant and intuitive search and discovery experiences that increase conversions, engagement and customer loyalty.


Allure Systems


Allure Systems uses A.I to produce stunning images for fashion online. Brands can produce unlimited content in one click, images become more inclusive and more relatable for customers, which brings better engagement rate and higher conversion rate.


Alpha Zetta


AlphaZetta is the fastest growing commercial network of the best independent analytics experts around the globe, providing analytics consulting services, solutions and education.


Alpha by Clevy

Software Development/Cloud services

Clevy, Enterprise-grade Conversational Technologies. Clevy is a company specialized in the creation of technological solutions, allowing the automation of business tasks in natural language.



Software Development/Cloud services

Altergaia’s Anti-Financial Crime suite, provides a more cost effective, transparent, near-real-time AML protection to the first line of defence and enhances your customers’ experience. Integrated within Salesforce, protecting you against AML risk



Information technologies

Ambrosus is a blockchain-based ecosystem built for the industrial management of sensing devices, supply chains, and smart cities. By combining blockchain with the IoT Ambrosus pioneers secure, transparent, and integral data management across industries.


Amine Berrada Fathi

Information technologies

BUBBLE VR develops immersive solutions for corporate clients wishing to use innovative digital tools. The company is specialized in VR & AR softwares designed for training and communication. Bubble VR produces as well BtoC video games for R&D purposes.


Amiral Technologies


SMART PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS with CNRS innovation – Automatic Generation of Health Indicators from Industrial Time Series – Prediction of Defects, End-of-Life, Remaining Useful Life – Production Quality and Prescriptive Maintenance




Andyamo helps cities become smart & inclusive destinations with travel itineraries designed for people with reduced mobility




Software Development/Cloud services

Antiopea is a French Cybersecurity start-up specialized in Blockchain that offers companies original software solutions to manage, exploit and trace their exchanges of messages and documents in an autonomous and highly secured manner.


Anzu has built a new advertising ecosystem, using games to create meaningful connections between people and brands. It is referred to as blended in-game advertising, where ads are integrated into the gameplay as part of the environment.



Non Profit

A SOS bracelet connected to a free safety app for women who are victims of violence. The solution allows them to alert and quickly contact friends, relatives, relief, associations and any other interlocutor of their choice.




Appetee, the mobile app that proposes simple meals, adapted to your preferences and your tastes, whether for you or for your group so that you leave nothing on your plate. Bon appetee!



Information technologies

Aquasys is an innovative Water Resource Management software editor. We bring smart technologies to public authorities, agriculture and drink industry to implement a sustainable usage of water resource in the context of climate change



Information technologies

AQUILAE is a video analytics solution based on AI detecting in real-time complex visual anomalies and tracking its sources with high reliability. In security context, AQUILAE detects any abandonned luggage and retrieves its owner over the camera network.



Information technologies

Use Big data, Geo-localization, Data extraction to generate a perimeter validated with Patient Data, Physicians, Symptoms and Clinics (Computer Vision, Deeplearning)



Software Development/Cloud services

ArcCert is a blockchain-based platform to issue tamper-proof diplomas, certificates, transcripts, history of student attainment and achievement.




Immersive discovery app based on hybrid-reality. Archistoire turns any place into a memorable destination for visitors. By exploring the surroundings at 360° users can interactively access meaningful information about their location.



Smart City/Building

Arlynk is the first Marketing & Sales Enablement platform for Real Estate, Building & Smart Cities based on 3D, Mixed Reality & IA technologies.




A NEW WAY TO DISCOVER AND BUY ART – Artifexio offers a new experience of discovering and buying artworks via a mobile application equipped with an AI engine unique in the world. This breakthrough feature allow galleries to increase their sales.




Artips has become a reference in the digital and cultural field as THE must-read newsletter in France. Relying on the success of its editorial line, Artips then developed a micro-learning platform aiming at companies and students in higher education.




A2B: Artist to Business. Our digital solution supports the companies outside the cultural sector to organize the scheduling of artists. Thanks to our platform, you can manage the entire process : sourcing, booking, invoicing, dashboard.



Arval: Electric Vehicle Offer


Arval’s Electric Vehicle offer is based on partnerships with energy & charging infrastructure providers to cover the whole EV ecosystem: fleet analysis, cars, charging point installations, integrated payment solutions & digital services.


Aryballe Technologies


Aryballe takes odor data and turns it into actionable information by a combination of biochemistry, advanced optics and machine learning.


Ascendance Flight Technologies


Ascendance develops and will release a fully certified and market-ready Flying Taxi. A unique and patented hybrid Vertical Take-off and Landing aircraft – eVTOL – dedicated to Urban and Suburban Air Mobility


Asel Tech


Asel Tech has a patented and innovative solution for O&G pipeline leak detection in real time. Using industry 4.0 techniques (Artificial Intelligence, IoT sensors and neural algorithm) the solution is able to detect and locate leaks in seconds.



Software Development/Cloud services

AskHub is an expert in AI applied to natural language processing. We increase the performance of customer services through conversational automation.


Asta Labs


Asta Workforce & Product Catalog connects service & product providers with customers. Automates sales & customer service tasks. Omnichannel communication: messenger chatbots, voice assistants, NFC tags, IoT devices, chat with agent.




Asystom delivers a turnkey, comprehensive, universal and stand-alone predictive maintenance solution for industrial equipment.




Audionamix uses signal processing and artificial intelligence to extract elements from an audio file, including speech, vocals and drums. Their technology can be heard in major motion pictures, GRAMMY nominated albums, and hit TV shows across the globe.


Aura Vision

Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

Aura Vision provides visitor analytics to retailers, using their existing security cameras. We’re like Google Analytics for physical stores.




Aurizone is the Indoor GPS smartphone application dedicated to accessibility








Autofleet has created the first, truly sustainable, Vehicle as a Service layer, providing an elastic supply of vehicles serving any source of demand, while maximizing utilization for fleet managers



Information technologies

Automat provides virtual sales advisors that can live on brand websites, ads, smart speakers, or messaging apps. Using conversational AI, these advisors drive engagement, consumer insight & sales that vastly outperform traditional marketing & ecommerce.



B ——————————————-


B.I.G. Technologies


B.I.G Technologies develop gamified high tech activities for team buildings




BA ENERGY is global energy corporation, specialized in Zero-Energy Smart Home. Our main technology is about Energy Safety with thermal energy management technology, and cooperating with Hyundai, KT, LG, OCI and other related energy companies.



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

Back2buzz is a Belgian company specialized in the sale of refurbished smartphones and accessories for smartphones. Its objective is to sell high-end, environmentally friendly products in order to reduce the ecological footprint.



Smart City/Building

1st digital plateforme dedicated to re-use building materials. We connect component sellers with potential buyers to buy and sell second-hand materials. Our goal is to avoid materials ending up in waste containers.




BADAKAN aide les hôteliers et restaurateurs à trouver du personnel compétent et engagé pour des missions courtes : quelques heures, quelques semaines ou quelques mois.




Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

Baobab’s unique and innovative concept is based on the deployment of “Satellite Connected” Shops in rural villages in Africa. Our retail shops are all managed by women and youth associations in remote villages without any or very poor Internet coverage.





bayseddo is a platform that connects farmers and investors in africa. invest in agriculture in africa through bayseddo and receive a return on investment between 12% to 25% in 8 months. Join bayseddo African Agricultural Exchange (





Augmented Connectivity guarantees constant connectivity anywhere there is a mobile phone network, even without Internet. With Be-Bound, Android Business Apps work everywhere, from remote areas with no internet to saturated urban areas.




BeautyMix : the freedom to create your own beauty. Our cosmetic machine is a miniaturized cosmetics lab that fits in your bathroom. It weighs, heats up and blends to make your customised skincare, haircare and make-up from natural ingredients, in minutes.



Software Development/Cloud services

Flexible work management platform: flex-office, home-office, coworking, remote office. Beewake allows you to work in the best place at the best time. With Beewake, your company defines, deploys and manages the mobility of your employees efficiently.




beqom is a leading company in the field of total rewards management and compensation: short and long term bonuses, salary review, commissioning, etc. Our solution offers unprecedented advantages in flexibility, compliance, transparency and traceability.




BEYABLE helps Brands and Retailers to increase their conversion and margins, fill underperforming stores and reduce discounts budgets. The start-up does it thanks to its AI-Powered solutions which score the website and hyper-personalize it automatically.




It?s the first temperature color-changing sticker for the liquid inside the baby bottle. 100% made in France, customizable, washable and endlessly repositionable, it sticks to plastic and glass. A time saver for parents and safety for children !



Software Development/Cloud services

BIG INFORMATIQUE designs, develops, and edits management softwares



Smart City/Building

BIM-Y is an affordable solution for existing buildings to start predictive maintenance step by step without big investment to increase building’s value, improve its management and boost savings.




Bio’Inspir develops innovative water filtration solutions, based on unique plant abilities.



Software Development/Cloud services

Do we really know the water quality of the oceans? Bioceanor, leader in blue tech, has developped the first connected submarine weather station using artificial intelligence. The innovative services and products are designed for the blue economy market.




In the era of SMARTCITY, BIOPOOLSAFE is the world’s first SMART POOL solution offering massive reductions in GHG emissions. It can convert each pool to low consumption & ecological pool with no more use of chemical, using AI & IOT.



Smart City/Building

A pioneer in remote water consumption metering, BIRDZ uses its unique expertise to help support Smart Cities. We are leaders in the field of digital management of water networks; our expertise also extends to electricity, fuel, waste, noise pollution…





Bizao is a fintech platform that helps companies accept local payment methods in Africa in partnership with mobile operators.





Bizness’ digital factory, member of French Tech and French Fab, Jump is a startup that develops tools for New Generation Training. These tools revolutionize learning and professional training, shaking up the codes of classical training.





Take the pulse of your teams in real time with short and regular surveys ; monitor the results in real time for each team ; and take impactful actions to improve employee engagement.



Software Development/Cloud services

BLUETRACK is a software package that helps manage cumbersome; waste that can not be accepted in a regular garbage collection. It is a web and a mobile app that offers an efficient and a fast way to manage the process.




BLYYD is the first French-made 100% electric park tractor that meets the needs of the major players in logistics, retail and industry. Its assets to meet the expectations of these major players to improve industrial, social and environmental performance.




Information technologies

Solutions for technology equipment in Europe promoting the circular economy with services that help maintain equipment, and refurbish returned equipment for resale to extend their life.


BNP Paribas Agro


BNP Paribas Agro is building a portal for its clients in Poland. The goal is to offer value added services for local farmers and traders through BGZ banking products but also with extra financial services build with startups.




BONE 3D is born from the alliance of Physicians and Engineers. It is a young french MedTech company which develops, manufactures and distributes 3D printed custom designed medical devices.





BOOKINOU® makes children love books more than TV ! Bookinou is an audio player which gives an audio version of ANY book so that children can enjoy their favorite stories more often.




HR/Training/Education is a skills mapping technology company. We help HR leaders map the skills and aspirations of their teams and breakthrough many HR challenges such as increasing internal mobility, faster recruitment, individual training…




Smart City/Building

De-stressing and powering truly smart cities. Drastically better-cleaner-cheaper waste-to-energy. We turn local waste into sustainable power, heat and cooling for direct local use. Major positive impact on local communities, oceans, and climate.




Connecting kids to nature is Botaki’s mission! We raise children’s nature awareness by teaching them how to garden using traditional knowledge and new technology. What sets Botaki apart is the Magic Totem, it creates a link between the plant and the game.



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

BWAM is a digital solution which connects the Diaspora and their beneficiaries in sub-Saharan Africa. BWAM helps solving social problems, e.g. access to a clean and safe energy for cooking, genuine medicines.




BYSTAMP is a Digital Evidence for SMARTPHONE and TABLETS, using our patented electronic stamp device designed for authentication & digital signature, even offline, for companies and administrations who want to digitized their papers procedures.




Ride+ Connect allows riders to get advice from a digital coach algorithm. The tracker’s coaching function accesses data from your activity and provides advice on how to improve on future activities in surfing, skiing or skating.




Multi awarded VR studio in Paris and specialized in Brand Content, BackLight is diversifying to the entertainment market (LBVR), producing its own experiences like ECLIPSE which will be showcasing during Viva Technology.




We are training the best tech talent in West Africa. And we match them with global startups to help them build softwares.





Baloon aims to provide access to insurance to the greatest number of people in Africa; We believe that the use of technology can help make the lives of millions of Africans safer by offering them the opportunity to protect themselves in a simple way.



Non Profit

Good foods & foods jobs ! Baluchon empowers urban communities around food transition projects, making good foods a matter of both happy consumers and socially-integrated workers.


Baobab Circle


This startup will be one of the SAP Social Tech Challenge Finalists, Not selected yet.




Bazik is a musical platform dedicated to emerging artists, allowing them to interact with their audience and create a community of listeners… We give way to legal digital distribution of music in Africa !




We are generating impact by improving customers quality of life through the provision of affordable, clean energy solutions. Our aim is to expand rapidly to provide other vital utility services, such as cooking, internet access and water.




Software Development/Cloud services

BeNomad, a mapping, routing and navigation software editor, presents ev-Move a platform to accelerate electric vehicle adoption and to facilitate the transition towards e-mobility.




BeOnTime is a web-based solution that offers real time routing suggestions for public transport, relevant analytics data, smart targeted marketing. Therefore, it improves waiting time, passenger flow and the overall quality of public transport.





BeautyMix : the freedom to create your own beauty. Our cosmetic machine is a miniaturized cosmetics lab that fits in your bathroom. It weighs, heats up and blends to make your customised skincare, haircare and make-up from natural ingredients, in minutes.





Victims of global warming, pesticides and the Varroa mite, bees are now classified as endangered species. BeeLife imagined the CoCoon hive that treats Varroa without chemicals via thermotherapy.




Beedeez is a mobile learning solution which allows companies to boost and optimise their training, using Micro-learning & Gamification techniques. Knowledge transfer has never been easier!



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

Beegift, the first gift voucher that allows you to forage for local trade. As part of the Action Coeur de ville program, Beegift is a unique solution to please its loved ones, its employees and its citizens by promoting the local economy.


Beeinventor Limited

Smart City/Building

The New Generation of IoT for Construction,with the World’s First Smart Helmet Platform



Software Development/Cloud services

Beekast is an animated solution integrating a space for real discussions and activities, generating ideas and facilitating decision-making.



Software Development/Cloud services

Beelse Cloud Manufacturing: the platform for an efficient organization of your supply chain, offering a digital warehouse for On Demand Part Production using Additive Manufacturing. Repeatability and quality compliance guaranteed.




In France, 700 000 people retire each year. They are still young, full of skills and abilities and want to be useful to society. Benevolt is the web platform where they can meet organizations for volunteering.




Benewake is the leading provider of solid-state LiDAR sensors and solutions, aiming at offer the best eyes for vehicles and robots.




Bisecu team has developed a Smart Bike Lock that is the world’s lightest and first fully automatic that provides keyless operation. Also, we have been developing our next generation product and software in order to provide sharing bike solutions.


Bibi Digi

Non Profit

BIBI DIGI means BIBI: girl and DIGI: like digital. Our goal is to get young girl involved in the digital environment. We are aiming at transforming them from consumers to lead actresses in the digital field.


Big Moustache


Big Moustache is a French premium grooming brand. Our DNVB model is simple: experience, top quality ingredients and direct consumer approach. We also create barbershops with unique blend of style where men and women can discover the brand.



Software Development/Cloud services

BigID is ML-driven data intelligence enables enterprises to understand their personal data at petabyte scale. Using manage the privacy of their most sensitive data, reduce breach risk and operationalize EU GDPR compliance.




Bigblue is a unified technological platform for brands to build their logistics. We pick and connect the world’s best logistics service providers (transport, warehousing, etc.) and empower brands to offer a unique click-to-possession experience.





C ——————————————-



Vibration data science combined with Artificial Intelligence for predictive maintenance



As increasing security threats for IoT device, we provide the end-to-end data encryption, device authentication and management through hardware security module. So you can protect sensitive data and control abnormal access with short development period.




Citibox has deployed & is operating a network of smart mailboxes placed in the building’s lobby with open, scalable & universal technology, where all couriers can deliver their parcels and final recipients can pick them up at their convenience




CTExpertise is a dynamic partner able to take charge of your ideas and develop them next to you to get innovative and competitive results in a short time.




Cargoroo is a mobility provider offering shared electric Cargo bikes for families with young children and business customers


Carido Automobile Service Technology


CARIDO is an on-demand automobile service technology which aggregates automobile maintenance demands through mobile devices & thereafter facilitates their fulfillment through select offline services performed by competent and credible service providers



CITEAZY is an aggregator of mobility services for companies. In one single app, a Citeazer uses all means of transportation and services available for commuting or professional trips. Citeazy also provides a Mobility Management tool for companies.




Cityscoot is leading the scooter-sharing market with more than 5000 e-scooters available in Paris, Nice, Milan and Rome.




Enjoy cleaner car sharing using AI. Cleanride is an AI-powered solution for automatically identifying dirt, rubbish and belongings left behind in shared vehicles.




Connecting people who need to ship something with drivers who travel with an empty trunk. Shipping can be very expensive, especially for heavy or bulky items. Everyone wins: senders pay up to 80% cheaper and bringers save money on the road while helping.



Smart City/Building






Expert in electric carsharing and smart charging, Clem’ is the ideal partner for creating locally innovative and comprehensive shared electromobility services, connected to the Smart Grid.





CloudMade creates the building blocks & business logic that help the automotive industry connect the dots on every human journey. Our intelligent mobility solution transforms car & mobility user experiences, making them simpler, safer & more profitable.




Convoicar is an innovative B2B2C mobility platform allowing its users to save time and money. Our aim is to modernize the car industry by providing valet services to facilitate and quicken both car distribution and maintenance.




AI and connected devices for a real-time monitoring of performance and health in agriculture ranging from animal welfare to plant growth


Cosmo Connected


Cosmo Connected is a French startup specialized in IoT for the physical security of people on the move. Our products are removable helmet brake lights connected to an app. The device combines visual safety and emergency contacts calls in case of accident.



Crypto Quantique


Combining cutting edge cryptography with innovative semiconductor technology to deliver a quantum driven end-to-end security platform for any connected device.




Quantum computer is coming. This a paradigm shift in computation that will make current security standards completely obsolete. CryptoNext is licensing a B2B software that permits to protect right now your sensitive data against the quantum computer.


Cultures et Compagnies


Cultures et Compagnies helps organic farmers create small vegetable farms on the available land owned by companies around the cities.




Cylus – Cybersecurity on Track Cylus helps rail and metro companies avoid safety incidents and service disruptions caused by cyber-attacks.

D ——————————————-



DAUMET is a bespoke and sustainable gold designer. Our main product is the whitest gold alloy, an aesthetic and economical answer to the fashion jewelry and luxury markets. This alloy allows a white-gold coating of jewels for the first time ever.




Delfox is an AI-first start-up. We aims to develop autonomous and learning systems, which will have the distinction of learning situations encountered and adapt accordingly.




DIODON Drone Technology develops the first inflatable drones in the world. Compact, rugged and amphibious, our drones are dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance missions in harsh environments.




DOVU creates a new value exchange between people and global transport providers. Our platform allows users to earn DOV tokens for sharing data and improving the way they travel; allows mobility companies be closer to their customers and get cities smarter



Software Development/Cloud services

DataValoris supports companies in their transition to AI with two exclusive SAAS tools : DataVision, processing your unstructured data and NNTO, optimization of your neural networks – none of your data is needed.




Information technologies

DataScientest’s mission is to audit, disseminate and harmonize data science skills within institutions and firms. Our project is to democratize data science knowledge with a hybrid training program combining face-to-face and distance learning.





Delize is a service that allows students to eat homemade, tasty, nutritious and affordable meals right on campus. These dishes are prepared by local culinary talents in order to promote local, social and professional integration.


Des bras en plus


“Des bras en plus” arranges simple, stress-free moving services. Book online in minutes and find out why we’re one of the fastest-growing companies in our industry.




DigiTaxi is an App to book a taxi. The App connects drivers with clients directly. Clients know drivers details, estimated cost, suggested route and they can give a feedback at the end of the ride.




Ducktrain elevates short haul logistics on a new level of efficiency. Ducktrain is an automated light electric logistics vehicle for urban parcel and letter delivery and industrial logistics, which can be virtually coupled to other vehicles and persons.


Déménager Facile


Instant-pricing moving and relocation. Stop choosing your mover blindly!


E ——————————————-



E-Bursum is a social enterprise which digitizes and democtratizes the educational finance in Turkey with Scholarship and Loan Management System, Document Verification, Online Mentoring and Social Impact Measurement.




Earthcube is developing monitoring solutions based on an automated analysis of geospatial information. By combining state-of-the-art AI technics in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Earthcube enables its customers to access more reliable information.





Edovino offers to neophytes in wine, who wish to assert themselves without understanding this complex universe, to develop a tailor-made cuvée adapted to their taste, thanks to a measurement of their sensory preferences through a wine tasting.




EGERIE is an integrated and collaborative Cyber Risk and Privacy Management platform. EGERIE Risk Manager enable fast decisions and an efficient governance thanks to control measures proposals.





Enercoop is an electricity supplier using AI to provide homes with a local 100%-renewable energy. Enercoop aims to source, directly and exclusively, renewable energy producers and develops tools to control electricity demand.




Enroute develops a personalized, location-based commerce platform which is linked to mobility services, allowing passengers to ride for FREE as they shop and collect items next to their destination




EOVOLT is developing new folding electric bikes that are at the same time powerful, lightweight and ultra-compact. These bikes are ideal for motorhomers, boat owners or for city-dwellers who want a practical electric bike for their daily trips.


ESSENCE Motocycles


At ESSENCE Motocycles, we push motorcycling to the next level riding experience. We bring together passion, tradition and innovation. We build thrilling 100% electric motorcycles, for a sustainable joy of ride.




EVBox is the leading global manufacturer of electric vehicle charging stations and charging management software. With over 75,000 charging points in 55 countries, EVBox drives sustainable mobility, by bringing leading EV charging solutions to the world.


Easy Matatu


A mobile platform connecting commuters to clean, efficient, reliable and affordable public transport so that they can have timely and enjoyable travel.




Einride is making the movement of goods more intelligent: emission-free, safe, cost-effective, and ultimately, sustainable. Einride provides transportation as a service, based on all-electric, autonomous vehicles.


Electric 55 Charging


EV charge point operator – Innovative business model – Most important DC charging network in EU




Emerge is the Italian food platform. It’s the place where buyers from all over the world can discover and get in contact with authentic Italian food suppliers.


En direct des eleveurs


A farm milk that respects the environment as well as human and animal health, that we produce, pack and market without intermediary, to meet your expectations in terms of short circuit, traceability and quality.


Evo Pods


Evo Pods is an evolutive and adaptable solution that accompanies you on all your trips! Whether traveling with a child, a friend or go shopping, our pods always have an answer to bring. For this, simply get on your bike and get to one of the stations!


Extreme Weather Expertises


High-Resolution Weather Real-Time Observation and Forecast via light Web system, for Aviation (Pilots & Ground control) and Marine operations: Cumulonimbus, Squalls, Wind & Gust, Turbulence, Precipitation, Sea-Ice, Oil at sea






F ——————————————-



Faciligo is the 1st social network of mutual assistance between travelers in all transportation. It is aimed to connect people who encounter obstacles in their mobility with other travelers who are willing to help and / or to save on their travel costs.



Fallound is an app and software which connects to navigation systems and finds for commuters perfectly-timed audio podcasts according to their commute time and interests.




Felix is the first electric mototaxi ride-hailing app. Book your moto taxi trip and avoid traffic jam. Ride the city behind our professional drivers and be on time to your meetings !




Firefly is a senegalease startup. Our mission is to make the time spent on road more productive and enjoyable for millions of commuters in Africa. Our platform broadcasts content, share wi-fi and collect data to offer commuters a customised experience.





Introducing artificial intelligence into the standardization R&D and production of Chinese food, empowering Chinese food move towards world various places.




FoodChéri is a virtual restaurant started in 2015 that helps busy professionals eating daily fresh & delicious meals delivered under 30 min. FoodChéri has launched Seazon in 2018, a subscription service that delivers fresh meals anywhere in France.



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

Flycup Packaging designs innovative food packaging solutions that revolutionize the takeaway consumer experience. It enables customers to offer a unique consumer experience thanks to innovative, convenient and ecofriendly packaging.



Information technologies

Famoco, leader of secure professional Android devices, targets KYC, cashless payment, and access control markets. With their range of secure, biometric-ready and remotely managed devices, Famoco has deployed more than 250,000 devices in over 35 countries.




Because you don’t fancy the same meal on a thursday night and on a sunday morning – Foodle your personal cooking assistant helps your through every step of your cooking journey from finding inspiration to tasting your recipes




Frichti is a home-made food production and delivery company offering a wide range of meals for lunch and dinner.



G ——————————————-



Geovelo is a free application and website used by thousands of cyclists. Our algorithm guide them on bike friendly routes, with less traveled roads, more cycling facilities and less hills. We are working with 16 major cities in France and companies.

Glagla Relais


Glagla Relais is the first fresh food delivery in parcelshops in France. More flexible and cheaper than home delivery, our parcelshops keep the parcel in their fridge until the consumer collect it.


Good Angel


In order to decrease risks of drunk driving and offer a solution of safety to drivers under influence and their passengers, we have developed a prevention tool which enables all users to alert, secure and get help when they are on the road.


Good vie


Our objective is to reinvent the food industry by making products more durable, more eco-friendly and much better for the health. To do so, we cook forgotten but very healthy recipes: the Budwig cream and the probiotics drinks.




The Gyrolift is an inclusive electro-mobility solution based on the combination of a gyropod and a robotic, verticalizing and stabilized seating modular system. It allows the user to move as well sitting or standing on a compact solution.



Software Development/Cloud services

Less than 5% of attacks are responsible for 95% of costs. Malicious executable files are not detected by classical security systems. Based on Morphological Analysis our behavioral engine GORILLE respond this critical need, to see what other don’t see.


Gambit Financial Solutions


Gambit Financial Solutions is a company that provides investment advice software intended for the world of finance. The company has recently expanded the scope of its activities out of Europe to include Asia and Latin America.



H ——————————————-



H3 DYNAMICS develops self-sustaining field robots (DBX), capable of remotely deploying and recharging drones, collecting data autonomously, and interpretating information on an AI-based cloud platform, enhancing industrial sites inspections and security.



The solar carrier CARGO HAPPY SCOOT offers an innovative solution for the delivery of the last mile and thus limit CO2 emissions in city center.Our solutions are already present in big companies Carrefour, Veolia, LVMH, Kingspan, CH Orléans…




Deep-Tech concept linked to ITS, Road Safety & Info way. Allows connectivity of light road infrastructures. Generate databases that will help preserve the environment, reduce road accidents and will participate in the deployment of autonomous vehicles




An innovative overall concept, a sustainable response to urban and periurban transport issues, using a new type of electric aircraft. A real breakthrough innovation, providing solutions to two major challenges for our future : environment and mobility.




HarfangLab develops a hunting software to boost detection and neutralization of cyberattacks against companies endpoints. We plug our platform to third-party cybersecurity solutions to enhance visibility on your system.




Helite is a French manufacturer of airbag protection for motorcyclists and horseback riders. B’safe, its last innovation, is the first wearable airbag vest that protects cyclists in their daily ride in case of an accident.




ENGIE Cofely, a company specializing in energy services, a subsidiary of ENGIE Group, is one of the leaders in the energy transition in France.



Smart City/Building

Heuritech empowers brands to forecast demand and trends more accurately, produce more sustainably, and achieve unprecedented competitive advantage with cutting-edge artificial intelligence and comprehensive data.



Hexagro Urban Farming


Reconnecting people to Nature through Urban Farming technologies


Hive Identity

Cybersecurity/Defense is a blockchain based identity management platform designed to improve security and privacy of consumers and to reduce costs for businesses associated with fraud and customer onboarding.




Hoja is the fruit of a personal experience in Kinshasa-DRC. Taking a taxis is easy in France, but taking taxis in developing coutries is not so easy. In this contexte, our mission is to securised the drivers and passeger of taxis all over the world.


Hyper Poland


Hyper Poland is developing a disruptive upgrade for the railway industry – fully autonomous, electric vehicles for goods and passengers that can travel at ultra-high speeds on specially designed infrastructure using magnetic levitation and low pressure.




I ——————————————-

ID Telematics


To meet the growing demand of the IoT sector, we are developing a range of custom B2B technologies for connected security: GPS tracker, fall detection, brake light and audio system. Our ambition: to support companies in their digital transformation.


I.C.O Intelligent Connected Objects

Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

Forgotten or stolen, keep connected to your bank card and your wallet. Protec card is a smart electronic cardholder wich alerts the user via his smartphone in case of theft or if it gets lost or forgotten his bank card.


INSTAR Robotics


INSTAR Robotics designs and builds autonomous mobile robots for agriculture and logistics. It aims at reducing hardship at work and increasing profitability by shifting arduous work to the robot, thus allowing the human to focus on his core expertise.




Internest is a French startup, specialized in guiding and positioning technology. We developed a guiding system for rotary aircraft. Our solution secures: take-off and landing, the most complex maneuvers for rotary wings.




ISARS is a cybersecurity software company. With our tool ISARS audit, companies secure their windows environment by detecting and correcting configuration vulnerabilities and save time in their daily tasks and IT and cybersecurity internal controls.


Inline Digital, Inc.


Inline is redefining the antiquated wholesale processes in durable goods by automating previously manual and error prone tasks, digitizing product offerings, and creating an all-inclusive product suite to manage wholesale operations in real-time.





Isahit provides services around management of data and pre-machine learning data set. This service is performed by young women in Africa today and comes as an additional income for those women so they can achieve their project of life.



J ——————————————-




Jenji is the first realtime, AI-powered expense management platform. Using Deep Learning, our solution enables employees worldwide to snap a receipt and automatically fill their expense in 4 seconds; and corporates optimize their VAT handling.


Jungo Connectivity


CoDriver is an innovative camera based driver & passenger monitoring solution, built on AI algorithms licensed to leading car manufacturers, running on affordable and easy-to-install hardware.

K ——————————————-



K- Ryole is the first smart electric bicycle trailer. Carry up to 250 kg behind your bike without even noticing it!



Karma is a social start-up, addressing the food waste problem with a platform that allows restaurants and grocery stores to sell surplus food to consumers at half price.



Kerostin Mobility Solutions has developed an add-on Kit for manual wheelchair so that it can go up stairs provided therewith, with an assistant. We also provide a fully equipped power wheelchair to enable vertical mobility services for the PRM




KITRO is an automated food waste management solution for the hospitality industry, empowering commercial kitchens to reduce their waste, cut costs and positively affect their environmental impact.





Klaxit is a carpooling app focused on commuting. We bring together drivers and passengers to go to work. Klaxit is the biggest daily carpool network in France with more than 380,000 rides offered each day and 180 corporate clients.





KNOT provides scooter sharing system designed for intensive use. We combine free floating with locking and charging docking stations to guarantee the efficient use of urban space and reduce operational costs



Software Development/Cloud services

Kameleoon enables e-commerce and marketing departments to personalize the online customer journey and offer each visitor 1to1 experiences, to maximize both sales and margins.





Karhoo is an open mobility platform that connects fleets and customers worldwide.





The innovative logistics management system that provides real-time monitoring to all the stages of road freights transport. It’s a digital platform that bridges the gap between all actors of transport of goods.




Kriptown provides a solution for start-ups & SMEs who want to raise funds quickly and affordably by reaching a broad and diverse investor base. It allows issuance of digital assets via ITO and secondary transactions via an order book.


L ——————————————-



LCN is a IT engineering company specializing in image analysis and processing. We have two activities: IT development services and Research & Development. Our new project, KesK, for which we want to raise funds, is a traffic smart control device.



Les Miraculeux is about nutrition and personal wellness. You should look and feel your best all the time and it starts from the inside. Our job is to make that easy, fun and affordable by reinventing vitamin supplements





Lorcyber helps SME, local and regional authorities, to create and control their cybersecurity. Lorcyber was awarded the Crisalide Numeric Prize for Security, and is referenced by the Pôle d’Excellence Cyber. Let us build together your cyber serenity®




Linkurious helps government agencies and Global 2000 companies detect and investigate sophisticated threats faster. Data-driven teams use the Linkurious Enterprise platform to find insights otherwise hidden in complex connected data.


First Equity-based crowdfunding platform dedicated to social business and sustainable development, bringing together investors eager to give a sens of purpose to their money with responsible entrepreneurs addressing social and environmental challenges.





Lablaco is the first Circular Economy Social Platform vertical on Fashion Industry, which bridges premium first-hand and second-hand markets by rewarding fashion re-circulation.



Le Chef en Box


We have been creating ready-to-make pastry boxes since 2016 and have recently opened our first pastry workshop/delicatessen in the heart of Paris. Our goal? Gathering the largest community of pastry lovers and gleefully sharing our savoir-faire!



Le Ciroir


Le Ciroir offers everyone the luxury shoe care experience. Thanks to a unique and innovative technology, its case performs a complete, authentic and regular care, that gives back the first shine of leather shoes.



Liberty Rider


Liberty Rider provides a crash detection mobile app, that saves lives, using our IA algorithm to detect users crashes and sending the emergency services automatically to their gps location.




Liebr allows motorcyclists to find the right mechanic at any time. Founded by 3 childhood friends who share a passion for motorbikes and wish to breathe life back into a waning industry, Liebr marks the start of a new chapter in French motorcycle history.


Lancey Energy Storage


Lancey Energy Storage democratizes «behind-the-meter» electricity storage with its innovative energy management solution that embeds a battery and an energy management system in a smart and connected electric space heater.





Lumo est la plateforme pionnière de financement participatif dédié aux énergies renouvelables, qui offre aux particuliers et aux entreprises l’opportunité de participer au financement d’une sélection de projets pour accélérer la transition énergétique.





Lyra offers innovative payment solutions and high quality services. We optimize your sales on different channels: e-commerce, shop, mobile, chatbot WhatsApp, marketplaces… Benefit from our wide knowledge of international markets and technical expertise.


M ——————————————-



Meero matches brilliant photographers with top notch brands – and superpowered AI – to makeproducing beautiful images a snap.Our tech allows us to handle shoots end-to-end, from production and automated editing todelivery and storage. Lightning fast.




Mobile Locker is an innovation company. We create Smart locker solutions for smart cities. Our Smart Urban Kiosk shares goods, connect services and information. Smart infrastructure to monitor and improve the city. An interactive bridge in a smart zone.




Moovee is the first shared multimodal mobility manager, dedicaded to B2B market. We provide to our customers and employees, a complete and turnkey mobility service. The mobility service is used without the operational constraints.




We believe that sustainable food production can be achieved in every backyard. We combine ancestral techniques inspired by permaculture with an innovative community driven product development. We co-create the first open-source deeptech smart greenhouse.


Microsoft Farmbeats


FarmBeats Platform is a Precision Farming and Data-Driven Agriculture solution including IoT Sensors, Edge Computing and AI, based on Azure Cloud. Farmbeats will be available in beta during summer 2019 and will integrate many solutions from partners.




MIJO is an online platform (web & app) allowing cooks (amateur & pro) to sell dishes to their neighbourhood.



Mini Green Power


MGP designs & assembles energy plants (from 500kWth to 5MWth) that turn biomass waste into clean, local and affordable energy. Our technology offers a wide range of applications for industries & local authorities: heat or cold generation and electricity.




Mobeelity is a mobile app that gather all the transport means in one single app, and reward the most eco-responsible behaviours thanks to a virtual money


Moja Ride


Moja Ride is a Mobility-as-a-Service platform for emerging markets with an integrated contactless payment solution which allows city dwellers to find, book and pay for the most affordable and efficient trips across multiple modes of transportation.




MonWagon is a mobile application and platform which guide commuters in public transport with Open-Data, crowdsourcing and visualization data.




Morphisec is transforming endpoint security with our pioneering Moving Target Defense. Our solutions deliver operationally simple, proactive prevention unbound by the limits of detection and prediction




We want to enable MaaS providers reducing their operational costs, increase their margin and grow their business by knowing more about the behavior of their users. This will make cities greener, safer and better accessible.




Modul’Data Center is specialized in scalable, next-generation Micro-Data Centers that consume 2 to 10 times less than the European average and in innovative solutions associated with Data Centers with a range of associated services.





Smart solution for mobility providers. With Mov’InBlue™ turn your vehicle physical key into a digital key (BLE, GSM, RFID). Whether you want to provide carsharing, in-car delivery or car rental, your mobility service is 100% digital.





Enterprise digital parking solution. Collaborative web and mobile app to optimize enterprise parking.



Consumer goods/Retail/E-commerce

MYRISSI created a Smart Sensory Translator for scented products development. Designed for professionals, this Artificial Intelligence also finds applications for consumers via a tool for product recommendations based on consumer’s personality.



N ——————————————-




Keess-cap, startup créée par Fabian Bourdillat passionné de sport d’endurance et qui a créé NAOX : une casquette unique au monde équipée de lunettes de soleil intégréee.




Nexyad has developed computer vision software components for detection of the Road, Obstacles and Atmospheric Visibility serving SafetyNex an Onboard Artificial Intelligence that computes Driving Risk, for Road Safety, Autonomous Driving & Telematics


NU!, smart fridge zero-waste


NU! is a connected and zero waste canteen for companies via a smart fridge. It is the economical and easy-to-install solution for businesses to improve the well-being of their employees while having a positive impact on the planet.




Nutrievo is an innovative start-up for the research, study and production of functional and nutraceutical food, naturally rich in raw materials with beneficial and protective properties for the body, which have a preventive action for the health


NanoLock Security


Offering System Integrator, cloud companies and OEM an ROI driven platform for managing and securing IoT and connected devices. Cloud to flash Lightweight, Ironclad, Trusted Management , Secured OTA and protecting IoT and connected devices.




Nectar helps beekeepers grow thriving colonies through precision beekeeping technology. With Nectar’s apiary management platform, your bees tell you what they need, when they need it in order to keep them thriving and happy.




NEWPORT-ims sells mobility services (fuel, parking,drive,maintenance….)in the car threw an intelligent vocal assistant called PHEBE that can be installed in any car of any brand and is compatible with the major other car assistant of the market .




Nextail is a smart platform for retail merchandising. Developed by retail experts, it delivers agile data-driven decisions to meet consumer demands. It powers agile buying and distribution decisions using AI and delivering impact in a matter of weeks



O ——————————————-




Olenergies designs powerful, long-life, smart and highly secured lithium batteries to : – Store energy from renewables (solar, wind…), – Power supply vehicles (marine, automotive…), – Provide flexibility on the smart electrical grid (peak shaving…).


OLIO – The Food Sharing Revolution


OLIO is a free app harnessing the power of mobile technology & the sharing economy to provide a revolutionary solution to the problem of food waste. OLIO has 1m users who have shared 1.5m portions of food, empowered by 30k ambassadors globally.




ONO offers a whole new category of vehicle: a Pedal Assisted Transporter, as an alternative and cost-efficient solution to current parcel delivery methods, making our cities safer, cleaner and more enjoyable.



OREGA, creative fashion with impact


Orega offers to consume fashion with a positive impact. Respecting inclusivity, we design and produce leather goods with a highly refined style. With our model, we aim to support education by fighting against energy exclusion in Africa.




We propose a game changing technology for lithium batteries in order to eliminate all losses on a drive chain. Our batteries are dynamic, they charge without charger in AC or DC, they provide any current or voltage (AC or DC) without converter or inverter




ObjectBox is an edge database, 10x faster than any alternative. We enable Mobile and IoT companies to develop decentralized applications that are independent from the cloud and perform in real-time.




An innovative and automated device that reinvents how brands engage with consumers by bridging the gap between digital & physical. We provide bespoke experiences that recommend products by learning customer preferences and immediately dispensing products.


Okeenea Tech


Sound signage for blind people | French leader | 3rd generation of Accessible Pedestrian solution creator | Audio beacon guidance solution for public transportation | User centered approach




Ombrea has developed a system to manage and protect fields against climate change. Through artificial intelligence, the solution creates a microclimate to guarantee the good plant’s development.




Onepark: leading European parking booking platform. Onepark enables drivers to compare and book a parking spot, among more than 100 000 spaces in Europe with a strong focus on airports, train stations and city centers. We allow users to save up to 60%.




We develop innovative Solar Home Systems to connect African off-grid households to energy and internet.




AI-driven capacity analytics & forecasting for public transport – utilising existing data sources already available on public transport vehicles to deliver real-time capacity predictions to optimise performance management, as well as, customer experience.



Software Development/Cloud services

OpenDataSoft offers its clients market-leading data sharing solutions that allow organizations to easily publish, manage, visualize, and share data in a variety of formats on a single platform. OpenDataSoft now operates in 18 countries with +200 customers




OuiCarry is door-to-door delivery service enabling west african consumers to order products on international e-commerce platforms.


P ——————————————-




Petit Côté creates and commercializes healthy gourmet cakes. Our secret ? As innovative as simple : we put 40% of fresh vegetable in each recipe !





Give your customers the opportunity to simply and rapidly order at table with their smartphone. Informations, payment at table, CRM module, all kinds of services to provide the best digital experience for your customers.


Paris-Saclay Hardware Accelerator


Paris-Saclay Hardware Accelerator is the first Factory 4.0 dedicated to acceleration of DeepTechs. Based on the one-stop shop disruptive model of Les Garages XYZ, it provides industrialization services from engineering to production, under the same roof.




Parkki est la première plateforme multi technologique de stationnement connecté qui permet de superviser en temps réel tous les espaces de stationnement.





Parkofon is an IoT and analytics based platform that automates parking, tolling, and other MaaS apps. As a high-accuracy telematics device, it can be used in connected and self-driving vehicles alike.



Phoenix Mobility


Redefining the Electric Vehicles industry through conversion technology of any diesel and petrol car into 100% electric ! Our mission : Make clean mobility accessible. Our target : Convert 1 million vehicles into electric in 2025.


Pragma Industries


Pragma has been developing and producing hydrogen fuel cell modules for more than 10 years, bringing alternative solution to conventional battery-powered systems and improve the experience of battery powered devices.



Predictive Objects


Analytics at the Edge – Take the analytics to the data, not the other way – Predictive Objects put the Asset Intelligence @the edge for Industrial IoT





Preemadonna is a technology company building creative hardware products and mobile platforms for girls and women. Our first product, the Nailbot, prints custom art, directly from your smartphone onto your nails. Future Nailbots will print custom polish.





Proovstation is a New Standard of Automated Vehicle Inspection. Our product is an intelligent drive-through bay which detects and analyses vehicle damages using AI and Blockchain.





Digital Containerhandling for intermodal transport. Enabling everyone to ship a container.




SAY NO TO SINGLE-USE PLASTIC! Pyxo is the 1st network of connected and reusable PyxoBox that allows employees to enjoy a zero-waste lunch from any restaurant or caterer around their company. No overcost, no distant return and many exclusive benefits!



Q ——————————————-




Quadible offers a game-changing AI-platform that continuously authenticates your users, without the need of any user input, by learning their behavioural patterns. Embrace the future of authentication!




Quarkslab is a French computer security company providing high-end services, products and trainings. The company spirit is strongly rooted in research and innovation and the whole organization favors strong internal R&D projects.


R ——————————————-


RedE Scooter


RedE Scooter startUp developing, design and market electric scooter for delivery businesses. We also made the scooter connected to meet the last mile delivery needs. In 2019, we develop the first 3 wheels Smart scooter that replace van for urban logistic.




The online platform Regiothek makes food supply chains transparent: Restaurant A uses meat from Butcher B which gets cattle from farmer C. As a marketing tool on a subscription model for small, local food businesses, it is already used by 50 customers.


Rex Ag Labs


Rex brings together clinical, health, performance, and genetic data to help livestock producers and farmers optimize yield and manage disease for a more sustainable protein supply.




Ridecell empowers new mobility operators, including OEMs, and private fleets to launch, expand, and maximize the utilization of their own ridesharing, carsharing and autonomous fleet services.


Road Light


Road Light manufactures and markets a luminous safety device for cyclists and motorcyclists.


S ——————————————-





SCROOSER is an electric vehicle that defines mobility in a new category. With its unique and reduced appearance, it stands out. We focus on elegance, simplicity and high quality to create a classic, timeless and intuitive product.




Shotl is a mobility platform for transport operators, municipalities, corporations and business parks that matches multiple passengers headed in the same direction with a moving minibus.




At STARBOLT we make people ride smart. We help companies, campuses and hostels offer shared clean transportation. Move easily, efficiently and ecologically thanks to our mobility box.



Software Development/Cloud services

Saagie helps you implement DataOps to accelerate your AI projects delivery. With its plug & play orchestrator, Saagie enables to automate workflows, reduce the Time-to-Production, and ease collaboration between IT, Analytics & Business teams.


Save Eat


Save Eat develops a mobile application against food waste in households, offers cooking workshops and creates specialized content for companies to enable environmentally conscious gourmands who wish to engage in a sustainable process to reduce food waste.


Savoir-faire Linux / Jami


Jami is distributed and scalable universal communication platform which preserves user’s privacy and freedoms. It’s an open source project. Jami’s core is based on OpenDHT, a secure and autonomous distributed system, for IoT and connected devices.




Seabex is a combination of a data-driven platform and proprietary IoT customer-centric solution that help farmers to fully automate operations like irrigation and fertigation, and measure their impact to be able to continuously adjust the way they do.




Seadronix is a marine AI(artificial intelligence) software company concentrated to advancing marine intelligence for the safety. We develop the powerful AI-based autonomous navigation system with our deep neural-network technology and various marine data.




SecBI automates breach detection and response based on network logs, enabling enterprise SOCs and MSSPs to increase productivity and stay ahead of unknown, stealthy attacks fast, simply and accurately. SecBI is deployed by large enterprises worldwide.




Real-time in-cabin sensing for safety, comfort and entertainment using sensor fusion powered by our empathic AI


Singularity & Infinity


A science-driven SaaS provider in smart mobility sector




Long-term rental of vehicles for 2 years with all included monthly bill (insurance, assistance, maintenance, fuel). When the person does not use the Smap car he sublets it via the app to absorb his bill.


Smart Flows


Airports, train stations, malls, exhibition centres, get a 360° view on your customer flows. Leverage data and reveal a new customer-focused reality. Your entire organisation collaborates around a single platform providing live and historical insights.



Software Development/Cloud services

SPooNies are empathic & interactive characters, living through artificial intelligence. They are designed for places where humans need an interface with data, robots or objects powered with IA.



Information technologies

Steeple is a phygital internal communication solution. Steeple digitizes the paper bulletin board via large touch screens but also makes information accessible from anywhere via web and mobile applications.




Stockly connects e-commerce websites with a global inventory so that they never run out-of-stock.





Stockly is the first platform for the storage of recreational vehicles (caravans, motorhomes, boats) in France. Launched in September 2018, Stockly offers more than 6000 storage lots in farms and agricultural facilities in more than 200 cities in France.




Streetco is a pedestrian GPS dedicated to people with reduced mobility. The Streetco app provide the most accessible route and indicate accessible places nearby. Collaborative, free and fun, everyone can report obstacles or places in few seconds.


T ——————————————-




Launched in May 2018, Teliman is the first ever on-demand motorcycle taxi service in Bamako. Our mission is to facilitate your trips in town: on a simple call, a professional driver picks you up at home and takes you to your destination.




ThrustMe develops the next generation of space propulsion systems based on plasma science.




Totem was founded 2 years ago, operates in Paris, has 20 employees and runs 100+ cafeterias for companies like Google, Apple, Deloitte and Payfit. Totem aims at making office cafeterias healthier, efficient and accessible to any company.



Software Development/Cloud services

Toucan Toco produces data visualisation apps for decision makers. We turn data into stories to allow your entire company to exploite, communicate and take decisions on data in few seconds on any devices.




Transition-One retrofits / converts thermal cars in modern cars : Electric, Connected and accessible for most of people. After the conversion (4 hours), our prototype has 100km of autonomy and 110km/h max. Let’s act now on the climate emergency !




twinme – private messenger is a new generation secure instant messaging & voice/video call service, protecting relations graph & interactions (what you do), in addition to contents (what you say), exchanged in peer-to-peer with no relay server in-between.





Talentsoft is the European leader in Cloud-based talent management and learning software. Its digital platform encourages interactions and transforms the employee work experience.




Tchek is reinventing car body inspection thanks to AI. A real, standardized and reliable drive-through system.




Going to work without congestion ? Hard. We provide a connected fleet of electric scooters (“trottinettes électriques”) for companies. We enrich B2B mobility services to save time for employees. Firms can see stats on CO2 saved.


Telepass & BNL


Open banking platform in partnership with an industrial operators (Telepass, the highway and mobility services system)





Teliman is Inventing the future of Moto-Taxis in Africa and has launched the very first on-demand taxi-moto service in Bamako, connecting urban commuters with professional drivers (trained, equipped and fully insured) in Africa’s fastest growing city.





Tenzir is a cyber security startup focusing on network forensics: we develop software to systematically investigate cyber attacks with modern big data technology.


The Growberry


We are developing The Growberry, an indoor plant-growing device, that can be placed anywhere in the house, hall, restaurant, etc. to produce premium fruits and vegetables all year round in home conditions.


Trottinettes Simone


Simone scooters company designs mobility solutions dedicated to last mile problem, easier to use and to carry-on. The first product, Simone is the world’s smallest et lightest scooter. An electric model is already under development.




TwinswHeel develops and manufactures logistics droids for factories and for the city. They support humans in carrying heavy loads (Autonomous and follow-me displacement)





U ——————————————-




UVeye is changing vehicle inspection for the automotive industry by providing automatic inspection systems throughout the lifecycle of the vehicle.




100% Electric Bike – No Battery – The Only One in the World


Urban Hub


On-demand urban storage and logistics services





UrmO is the world’s first foldable self-balancing light electric vehicle, which allows you to just fold it and carry it everywhere. It is perfectly suited to complement existing kinds of urban transport on the last mile.


V ——————————————-



The world’s first air purification system for vehicles, based on the principle “purify air by simply driving”, for the automotive market.




Velco design and sell connected product for safety and GPS navigation specialized on urban mobility. Our fist product is the Wink Bar. It is an handlabar for bicycle which integrate a tracking system, automatic headlight & a GPS navigation system.





VIVOCAZ . Mobile application to build the complete digital file of a vehicle. Archive documents and invoices. Complete and follow the maintenance history. Estimate the market price. Connect to services. Facilitate resale thanks to an innovation.




VUF is an e-cargo tricycle with electrical assistance made to carry heavy loads and big volumes with comfort, stability and safety. It enables a high degree of modularity thanks to customizable crates and trailers, and comes standard with pendular system.





Verisium is an IoT platform for customer engagement & product authentication. Based on Blockchain Verisium enables fashion brands to fight counterfeiting and to connect with their customers in all sales channels through NFC chips embedded in products.





Vizity offers an intuitive solution that allows companies to map their content in just a few clicks, thanks to customized interactive maps.


W ——————————————-




WaToo fights against sensitive data and documents leaks by insiders or trusted actors (partners, subcontractors). Our solutions are based on three main principles: Dissuasion, identification and accountability of malevolent behaviors





Wakeo provides a B2B SaaS platform for real-time visibility on overseas transport flows. Using data science, we help shippers optimize operations and improve customer experience. Wakeo notably works for Air Liquide, Faurecia or Gefco.





AR-commerce company behind the first-ever shoes AR Try-On.




WaryMe improves users security in public places, schools, transports, companies and tomorrow the whole smart city. To address the major risks we provide the first all in one mobile application, integrating alerting, crisis management and mass notification




WeNow is a plug-and-play solution that enables drivers to measure, reduce and offset the carbon footprint of their mobility, while saving on fuel.




WeProov has built a new generation of car inspection & claim thanks to the Blockchain and the AI.Within an ecosystem of trust, WeProov facilitates damage detection, automates the collect & transmission of car condition’s data & accelerates damage estimate




Our idea: To find a mobility solution that integrates easily in an urban environment while respecting the sharing of the public space and its users. Our solution: We have created the first electric scooter rental station : Protection environment & safety




WeeM, our innovative and sustainable solution is a full answer of micro-working. WeeM is an ergonomic, soundproof, connected that offers an isolated place to work to riders.




Weego is a mobile user based app, that allows populations in emerging and developing countries have real time arrivals of buses, trains, tramways only using crowdsourcing and Artificial Intelligence.



Information technologies

From sowing to harvest, Weenat supports all stages of the farm’s work. Thanks to a full range of remote sensors connected to a mobile application, we deliver weather data for farmers to improve their resources management and reduce environmental impact.




Wingly is a flight sharing connecting private pilots with passengers to share the cost of a flight



Y ——————————————-




yper develop a new lastmile delivery solution : We connect customers or sellers to a community of non professionnal “shoppers” to deliver orders at home from a store. Yper is the leader of the collaborative delivery in France, active in + 200 cities




We optimize hotels spaces allowing external restaurants to launch their offer in a new place quickly without investments. Create a restaurant has never been easier.




Yelloan is a French Fintech aimed at facilitating the access to credit for millenials, through a better approach for scoring and a simpler and more transparent credit application process.




YesWeHack is the #1 European Bug Bounty platform, connecting organizations, large companies, startups, administrations (…), with a community of more than 7 500 hackers from 120 countries.




Yogosha is a private bug bounty platform, helping organizations to detect and fix vulnerabilities before criminals exploit them. Yogosha’s clients benefit from an international elite of ethical hackers, and is trusted by more than 50 clients.




Yseop is an international AI software company and one of the early pioneers of natural language generation (NLG) technology powering enterprise-level reporting, sales and customer support applications.


Z ——————————————-



Zenpark turns cities’ undergrounds into shared, connected, service-based car parks. With a network of 1000+ car parks and 350+ smart cities projects, Zenpark offers an immediate, effective and sustainable solution to tomorrow’s urban parking challenges.




We aim at facilitating charging for EVs (electric vehicles) and PHEV (plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) at home or at work with a full-service proposal: -Installing / advising clients in terms of power and feasibility -handling all administrative issues –



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