sam. Fév 22nd, 2025
  • R&D collaboration on advanced power semiconductors, which are a key enabler of the aerospace industry’s transition to hybrid and full-electric systems.
  • These semiconductors will play a significant role in powering future hybrid helicopters, aircraft, the ZEROe roadmap, as well as the City Airbus NextGen.
Toulouse / Geneva, 20 June 2023 – Airbus, a global pioneer in the aerospace industry, and  STMicroelectronics (NYSE:STM), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across  the spectrum of electronics applications, have signed an agreement to cooperate on power  electronics Research & Development to support more efficient and lighter power electronics,  essential for future hybrid-powered aircraft and full-electric urban air vehicles. 

The collaboration builds on evaluations already conducted by both companies to explore the  benefits of wide bandgap semiconductor materials for aircraft electrification. Wide bandgap  semiconductors like Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) have superior electrical  properties compared with traditional semiconductors like silicon. They enable the development  of smaller, lighter and more efficient high-performance electronic devices and systems,  particularly in applications requiring high power, high frequency, or high-temperature  operations. 

The co-operation will focus on developing SiC and GaN devices, packages, and modules  adapted for Airbus’ aerospace applications. The companies will assess these components by  conducting advanced research and tests on demonstrators, such as e-motor control units,  high and low voltage power converters, and wireless power transfer systems. 

“This collaboration with STMicroelectronics, a global leader in power semiconductors and wide  bandgap technologies, will be key to support Airbus’ electrification roadmap,” said Sabine  Klauke, Airbus Chief Technical Officer. “Leveraging their expertise and experience in power  electronics for automotive and industrial applications with our own record in aircraft and VTOL  electrification will help us accelerate the development of the disruptive technologies required  for the ZEROe roadmap and CityAirbus NextGen.” 

“STMicroelectronics is the market leader at the cutting edge of the development of innovative  power semiconductors with higher-efficiency products and solutions based on advanced  materials, such as Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride. We already have a strong,  transformational presence in mobility and industrial applications, reinforced by a vertically  integrated global SiC supply chain, to support our customers globally with electrification and  decarbonisation,” said Jerome Roux, President, Sales & Marketing, STMicroelectronics.  “Aerospace is a highly demanding market with specific requirements. Cooperating with Airbus,  a global leader in this industry, gives us the opportunity to define together new power  technologies the industry needs to realise its decarbonisation goals.”

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