mar. Jan 28th, 2025

Trends & innovations shaping the global tech sector
Par GP Bullhound

Per Roman Managing Partner -GP Bullhound
Technology’s transformative effect has
touched every corner of today’s world. Its
commercial, social and political impact has
been unprecedented. At GP Bullhound we
are proud to work with the entrepreneurs and
the world-leading companies that appreciate
technology’s potential – and work hard to turn
its promise into reality. Now entering its twelfth
year, our Technology Predictions report reflects
our optimistic mindset and demonstrates what
technology and its leading minds could achieve
over the next 12 months.
It has been a year of trials and tribulations for
technology as regulators have sought to match
its evolution with existing frameworks; yet this
report shows that technology does not just
move the goalposts, it reshapes the world
as we know it.
How we bank, shop and the type of money
we carry are all covered. Our predictions on
the rise of digital banks, the influence of crypto
currencies, and retailers’ attempts to upgrade
delivery systems exemplify how technology
impacts everyday decisions, as well as
shedding light on what businesses are doing
to speed up transactional processes and
introduce safeguards.
We also make our predictions on employee
engagement, subscription models and the
future of app stores, considering how we can
expect them to change and grow in 2019. Each
one shows how technology’s impact can be
laser-focused, laying strong, specific foundations
for future industries.
Meanwhile, we investigate what the next
12 months may hold for developments in AI,
advertising and retail. In each, we unearth
an unrelenting pace of change, which could
bring countless benefits – if pragmatic decisions
are made.
To do that, technology must be viewed as friend
not foe, which is one of the macro themes of
the report. Treating tech as a negative force will
limit the good it can do. How to balance fears
of technology with optimism of the better world
it can build looks set to carry on being
a question that defines our time.
Consumers are expecting technology to give
them a lot in return for very little: giving rise to
a second macro theme that emerges. Pressing
questions over what we get for what we give
will continue to be the focus of boardroom
and consumer debates.
The scope and scale of technology means
challenges will inevitably exist, so it is important
that we remain faithful to our belief that
technology is a positive force. This report is
intended to act as a roadmap to readers,
shedding light and expert opinion on the
trends that matter. We hope you find it useful.

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